From The Director

It is with great honour and pleasure to assume the responsibility of establishing the Regional Center for Studies and Research of Water Uses Ethics. I pray God almighty to bless our modest contribution for realizing our vision of creating a living Center full of vitality and not to create a bureaucracy institution. It is hoped to be a Center for public awareness, learning and exchange of experiences and knowledge in this vital water sector.




Egypt is one of the oldest hydraulic civilizations. Other countries in the Arab/Africa regions have also a long history in water management in a very broad environmental and climatic range from forests to hyper arid deserts, sensitive to the rising threats, The Arab Networks Nodes, have their wide-ranging expertise in water management


Words of Mrs. Susanne Mubarak

There is a need for a broad ethical framework, a moral compass, to guide our steps in an increasingly uncertain world, where change is proceeding at a dizzying pace. The broad ethical framework is fairly simple: to seek equity and fairness, to promote applications of knowledge that will promote well-being now and in the future, to include the excluded, reach the unreached and think of the unborn as we take actions today. Our challenge is not just to state the principles but to articulate their translation in certain codes of conduct and general recommendations for action in each of the various domains.



Words of Dr. Mahmoud Abu Zeid

Ecological sustainability, must be one of the main objectives in all uses of freshwater. Every effort must be undertaken to overcome water pollution, and eliminate or mitigate any other activities that undermine the integrity of the ecological network in which water is a key element. There must be a profound understanding that scientific and technical research does not take place in a pure, abstract world, protected within the walls of laboratories, or the grey boxes of computers. The results from research, have impact on the world, and on the lives of people. All research must ultimately be driven by a recognition of human condition, and serious regard for the moral ethics that determine social equity